Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mini-ramp sessions from the Blaisdell trade show.

So that Big Boy's Toys show a couple of months back was pretty crazed. If you missed the pictures, they're down there a few posts back right before the Japan coverage from March. It's already been said but I'll say it again, the mini-ramp that was inside the Blaisdell Exhibition Hall was pretty much perfect. It was up for a whole weekend and was sessioned by many including Christian Hosoi, Jef Hartsel, Kale Sandridge, Ricky Stiles, Kele Rosecrans, Ken McGuire, and many others like me, Chad, Cuzzo, Chris Kays, two-time Game Of Skate champion Ian Okui, Aaron Lee, Silent Johnny, Danny, Matt, John Collins, I mean there were just a bunch of people ripping the shit all weekend long. Now there is a finally a nice video montage of the event courtesy of the new kid down at the APB shop in Chinatown. Young homie Conor has much skills behind the camera as well as on a skateboard, and he put this together for everyone to check out, so check it.

Also, for more of Conor's videos, including one featuring the incredibly underground killer Makiki loc Dominic nearly 360 flipping that one Stevenson triple set that Danny kickflipped in The Struggle video,(since then he's landed it we hear, can't wait to see that footage) check out his YouTube page. Yeah Conor!

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