Thursday, October 11, 2007

Don't slunk out, get in that ass instead!

Let's say you're out skateboarding. Under normal and ideal conditions this is a great way to spend a morning/afternoon/evening for most of us. It's awesome! Well, maybe not always, but most would probably agree that it's a real hoot most of the time. Sometimes however, unseen and unexpected variables factor themselves into your otherwise enjoyable equation. For any number of reasons it could turn out that you're not having the best time. I'm not talking about the kind of days where your board feels weird or your shoes are at the blowout point and you're just not landing shit the way you'd like, either. No, this situation could be, say, at the skatepark where you're getting repeatedly bombarded by a constant conglomerate of kookery, or perhaps out and about in the streets where numerous skate haters and average joe hero citizens inexplicably feel the need time and time again to rudely interrupt your shralping endeavors. Whatever the case, it's safe to say that pretty much everyone who skates can relate to the fact that confrontations can and often do happen. Sometimes they are quick and painless, ending harmlessly with no repercussions whatsoever for either party. Other times, they can get downright ugly and even end with fisticuffs if you're not careful. Bottom line is this: one should stand one's ground, and even get up in a motherfucker's face when the situation calls for it. In fact, if you follow my man Leon's advice right here, you'll thank yourself the next time some shitbag makes it their business to take it upon themselves to curb your enthusiasm for getting your shred on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this video is the only thing i can think of to respond with...