Everybody genki?
First of all, over on the Tokyo side of things, I see you Masa and Miko!
Saikin doyo?
Peep my man Masa recently hucking a steezy frontal on an APB board in the deep end of the Burton Bowl in Shibuya.
Get that shit, brah!

Speaking of the Burton Bowl, the man that made it even happen in the first place is of course the homie technically known as Tomonori Tanaka, but everyone in the skate universe knows him as RIP!

Rip-san is doing big, big things these days. I'm talking like cho ookii type shit!
He's on tour promoting his new photo book RIP ZINGER WEST AMERICANIZED TOUR.

Peep out this little video that explains the idea behind the book:
Awww yeah! That takes care of my Tokyo connects, let's take it out west to the Kansai region.
What up, Junji???
Hisashiburi desu neeeee...saikin donai desu?
My main brah in Osaka is of course Junji Murata.
This dude is constantly out filming and putting together the good fun shit that makes you want to go skate!
I always check out his blog as well as his YouTube page to see what he's up to, and over there he's recently added the six episodes of his Goldenroad Hawaiian Vibe In Osaka video that chronicled my three day visit last March.
That shit was mecha tanoshikatta, by the way, and I'm going back to Japan in March of 2009 for the sequel! Some of the same people who said they wanted to go with me last time but then flaked are on board to possibly flake again, so we'll see if it's another solo excursion or a group venture this time. I'll let you know for sure in about 4 or 5 months.
Speaking of Junji and Osaka, one of the main people in front of the camera when Junji films is my little buddy Takashi Maekawa. What's happening, TAKE A SHIT??? Hahaha his nickname is TAKE A SHIT!
Me and my man Takashi cold chillin' after a Brazil shred session.
Anyway, Takashi had a check out in Japan Transworld Magazine last year that kind of put him on the map over there.

Now it seems that he's made another Transworld Japan appearance, this time in the newest issue of the mag, which I liberated from the In4mation office, thanks again Ryan!

Well anyway, back to this new issue, it's tight and full of tasty photos, two of which I'll share with you now.

First up is my little braddah from Osaka, Takashi with a hefty gap heelflip.
Takashi kills it and my man is also a serious comedian.
Omedeto gozaimasu, Take A Shit!
Good work as always.
Next up in the magazine, (directly on the back page of Takashi's photo no less!) is Chris Matayoshi doing a frontside 50-50 on a serious hubba down a fat stair set.
If you didn't know, Chris is from Okinawa, but spent a great deal of time in Hawaii recently and is down with Conor and Shota and those kids. I really don't know this dude's living situation or anything about dual citizenship, but he is in Okinawa at the moment and still killing it from what I have seen.
Chris has made appearances is several Japanese videos that I have and he's always shown doing something gnarly, and this shit right here is no exception.

These guys are keeping it really real, and I can't wait to get back to Japan next March for some more skate shenanigans.
Until next time, ja mata ato de.
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