Almost there.
In the house.
Met up with this dude right quick. Sup, braddah Masa!
Sessioned this ramp in the cold with straight plywood and cement block coping.
For foriegners, the sign with the rules basically states that they are no rules, since you can't read that shit anyway.
Near my hotel in Shinjuku the parking situation was bananas.
So peeps just barged the sidewalk with their rigs.
Nihonjin bumbaclots get their jerk chicken at this spot.
The little girl is a goofy foot but the dog can go either way.
Hot nuts soup joint came in handy that night, it was cold as shit outside.
Skateboarders are naturals at getting donuts. Or is it doughnuts?
Either way, this place was kinda heavenly.
Except for this wack-ass policy. Are they afraid that someone is going to leak photos of their top-secret unreleased and ultra limited BAPE collabo bear claws or something? For the record, there were a lot of stores and businesses that I saw in Japan with a sign similar to this one, and also for the record, I took fucking photos in every single one.
Next stop, the busiest pedestrian crossing on the goddamned planet.
After that crazy stressful sardine can experience I definitely needed a hug.
Jumped on Rip's chariot for my first time ever on a fixed gear bike. Bummed that Rip-san didn't also have a messenger bag, a funny hat, a tight-ass v-neck t-shirt, and a pair of man capris for me to borrow so that I could complete the look.
But my man did have a pair of chopsticks handy. Over there they call them hashi. Anyway, I definitely stepped my game up with the sticks.
Early Shinjuku morning.
Things were just Ducky.
Go ahead and step to this rough-ass shit if you're feeling brave.
Headed over the bridge.
Across the bay to Odaiba.
For skateboarders this is definitely a YUMEE NA TOKORO. That means famous place, as in it's been in a lot of videos and photos. What would you do here?
I put that APB sticker up about three and a half years ago, still holding up nicely I see.
One of the two Kua Aina's I saw in Tokyo. The other one was in Ginza.
They were filming the ill Power Rangers type shit for TV over there. This was some kind of old-school camera monster I think.
Attack mode.
Hot nuts nut vendor.
You must not be crew.
Old school devil set-up. Could be 999, but fuck it.
Safety shit is for the birds.
Chocolate pig shit.
Cool Tokyo ex-lady, unlike her Osaka counterpart, who is a fucking bitch from hell.
Are you ready for some baseubooru?
Me and Masa outside the spot. PhiWiSpot that is.
Dope shirt.
PhiWiSpot knows what time it is.
T-shirt rack.
I would have been all over this shit fifteen years ago.
Felt right at home.
Only the best chapstick ever.
Miko keeps it real.
Big up and mad respect to PhiWiSpot!
I'm terrible with names, but Masa's homie killed this park and styled a backside tailslide on this QP at speed.
Masa got all steezy on me.
All types of medicine.
Ho-hum, think I'll skate another perfect mini-ramp.
Ludacris style, chicken and beer, except it's karaage and Sapporo.
Me and Masa...
...are a couple of fucking skate nerds.
Late night post-shred spot.
Most hospitable hosts ever.
Tokyo hipster, by way of A'ala Park the night before I left town.
Cute little stoner shit. Kawaii!
Those wacky Japanese peeps will line up for anything.
I wasn't on the list, and I didn't have nearly enough yen to bribe the bouncer.
So I went to my favorite retail location in the nation, Tokyu Hands.
They've got basically everything. Penis noses, you name it.
My favorite superheroes from my youth all collabo'd up with babies to make cellphone straps.
You have no idea how huge a part of my life those first two in the top row are. We're talking like serious sentimental attachment here.
This is one of the raddest graphics I've ever seen.
These mutts plug into the USB port on your PC or Mac...
...then begin to furiously hump your computer.
I'm pretty sure that the Japanese have no idea how completely racist and offensive this shit is, they probably just think it's cute.
A little crack, a little herb, no harm.
Back near my hotel, this host club was ranking it's pretty boy employees. The first dude is the ichiban smuggler.
This is what the skatepark that Masa wanted to take me to for the private session looks like. FUCK! Next time for sure.
Japanese peeps love them ukuleles. Check out the Telecaster and Les Paul models. Sugoi!
Me and Masa met up with the star of the Super Champion Fun Zone video.
This is what he convinced the people at Burton to build in their design/warehouse space.
So Rip started warming up.
Then it was on.
Dude kills the place.
Rip rips so hard that he teaches other people how to rip like Rip.
Masa went deep.
It all seems like a blur now that I think about it.
Masa got his pivot on in the shallow.
I wanted one of these Analog sticker sooooo bad. No dice, too rimited. Time to call up the big boss. What up, Oblow?? Hook that shit up, brah!
A couple of brosephs leave their boards at the Burton bowl on some locker room type shit.
Rip decided to take his plank home though, and kitted it out for the rain outside.
Snacks and beverages to bid me farewell.
Later, Tokyo!
Shit was super fun, or maybe I should say CHO TANOSHIKATTA DESU.
Thanks to Rip, Miyuki, Masa and Miko for hooking up all the good times.
Tokyo in general is definitely awesome and an incredible experience, but my number one spot in Japan by far is Osaka, and I was about to be on my way there.
Those leftovers are coming up next time.
Ja mata ato de.
i spelled 'epic' wrong.
epic tale. good stuff.
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