I got Carmelo to help me wake this lazy mug the fuck up.
Melo was also instrumental in getting Chad motivated as well.
I guess we have time for a little Guitar Hero though.
Chad prepares to shred.
I know a couple things about rocking the fuck out.
Chad was killing it so hard I threw horns.
Atiba used to rock a straight mop on top.
Atiba named his dog after this dude he took a cover shot of.
Atiba took this picture in Hawaii last month. The ball Kobe is holding is down in the basement of APB, we should go shoot some hoop with it over at the park.
Finally made it to Girl. Braddah Rip was cutting some going away party cake. It was also Megans's birthday, double the festivus.
This is what Jordan gets to skate everyday on his lunch break if he so desires.
I went straight for the Rick Howard tribute launch off the quarter to wallride.
Ran into some Uprise dudes from Chicago. This kid works at St. Alfred's and happens to be roommates with our homie the one and only Big Daddy Chane Lokester. I forgot the dude's name but he ollied the flat gap at speed and went way the fuck straight up on this frontside wallride. The whole Uprise crew killed it! Big ups to Uriah and the whole squad. Even their filmer ripped shit.
Rob skated for a bit and then kicked it.
Rip and Chad, tomodachis together again.
Jordan DeOliveira, king of the warehouse throws shakas.
Back in the Hollywood hills, Mark Razo was getting his guitar shred on for real.
Pre-premiere mini sesh going down.
Atiba rocks the home court advantage.
Carlyon waits his turn in the grotto.
After a perfect sunset session on Atiba's kick ass mini spine ramp, we got cleaned up and then rolled out to the premiere in style. Yeah, me Chad and Rob piled into my rental, which was basically a go-kart, and followed Atiba's Caddy to the campus of UCLA, where the video was to be shown at Royce Hall. Upon arrival, it was made clear to us and everyone else that cameras would most definitely not be allowed in the theater, and I for sure didn't want to risk it so I left the digi in the car and we made our way to the spot for the reception and some free beverages. After a few drinks, the lights flickered, giving the signal for people to make their way to their seats, and everyone was super amped for the video to finally get underway. The theater was packed to the gills with everyone who was anyone in the skate industry, you name 'em, they were there and ready to feast their eyes on history. Once the timer ran down to zero, the crowd went apeshit and the video began shortly thereafter. The intro was nothing short of mind-blowing and like nothing you've ever seen, trust me, the shit is amazing. As far as the video, it was waaaaay too much to comprehend, a complete and total sensory overload. All I can tell you is Mikemo had first part, and Marc Johnson ended it with a three song epic part. Everything else in between was a fucking incredible blur, and I can't wait to own this on DVD so I can rewind and analyze all the shit I forgot. Anyway, after the video, the entire theater reconvened on Hollywood Boulevard at some club where the after party was happening. Normally I HATE pictures of people partying out in clubs, but this shit right here, nigga? This shit right here? This shit right here, nigga? This shit was DEF! Now bear witness to some party blog bullshit! Fuck me.
Couple of Jager bombs and Chad's like straight up crimson!
Rob and Atiba on fire.
Jordan, no mask, heating up.
Jordan, masked, sizzling.
Jerald Anzai throws shaka, and the masked man is now burnt to a crisp.

Now the mask is on the other foot, son!

Manny was in rare form, no surprise there.

Chad and Atiba posed with this dude, I think he was like in the video or something? Shit, what's his name again?

There's that guy again with Atiba and the professor Andy Henrie! He looks a little intoxicated, I guess he had the right to celebrate though.

Rob and Matt Milligan reminisced about the New Deal glory days.

Chad bro'd down with Scuba Steve, Spanky, and Mike Taylor.

While Rob held it down with Morford and the Rippa.

I got reacquainted with Anzai.

And the savage professor Andy Henrie.

Couple of shoe nerds right here. Chad politickin' with Hunter from Nike.

Ako, Razo, Atiba, Carlyon, Jordy, full-scale bro-down.

Atiba's wife Marcie in black, the most gracious hostess ever with her homegirls.

Rip loves to throw up the shaka any time, any place.
Rob, Chad, and the sweaty Russian himself, Dmitry Elyaskavich.
Andy and Manny, en fuego.
Jeff and Chad, red-faced bandits.
The mask is off, but the party face remains the same. Jordan, killing it.

Nick Diamond unveiled the ultra-limited and soon to be released aloha print Ace truck. Could this be the first collabo truck project?

Jordan got down with Habitat's Raymond Molinar.

Atiba, Ako, and Lee Dupont, completely shitfaced and ready to break stuff.
Hammered at the late night Mexican food spot, killing it.
And I do mean killing it.
Jordan still had it together enough to drop me off at the parking lot where I left the rental. Made it back to the hotel in time to crash out at four in the morning, everyone's supposed to posse up for a big skate session on Saturday. Will it happen? Check back later for day three.
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