Pulled a Houdini on the walk of fame.
There it is. Thought I'd never find it.
Open at 10:30, I'm in there at 10:35 for a pre-lunch snack.
In-N-Out is right across the street from this place, I guess a few big deal tricks have gone down on campus or something. A full-on Hollywood skateboard spot right there in Hollywood, what a concept.
Back up to Atiba's to crack the fucking whip, already! Chad, I'm shuttin' down the studio, yo.
Rob was in posted up in his usual spot. He got a pass, he had some other business to attend to. Mainly, chilling.
Teebs wasn't exactly up and at 'em.
So he plugged in for some shred time.
Then he gave us a lengthy EA Skate demonstration. C'mon dude, pass the controller. Puff, puff, give!

Let's go get some chicken and waffles up in this bitch already.
It's not artsy, it's just a shitty camera.
Okay, I'm full. Let's go skating already.
I'm full too, and I guess we could go skating instead of playing guitar hero.
So we rolled out of Roscoe's and went down to L.A. High to meet up with Jordan and the professor Andy Henrie. Those dudes went as deep as anybody the night before but I was super psyched that they reported for duty on time and were ready to shred. L.A. High has some fun shit, most noticably the brick banks in the front of the school that are in so many videos. I didn't realize that the famous rail inside the campus had been removed, and I also didn't know that this was the same place with the blue ledge spot in the back outside the AQUATIC SPORTS building that have been in countless videos over the years as well. On top of all that, there is a series of tennis courts waaay in the back that have banks all over, some even banks to curb type of shit! This was our favorite part of the school, even though Atiba told us that no one cares to go back there, we were all about it.
Andy liened to tail the fuck out of that thing.
Jordan ollied up to nose, slid a for a bit and then rolled down the bank.
Those dudes ripped it so hard they had to cop a squat and chill for a minute.
Flatground SKATE battles. Watch out for Ako and Atiba, fucking flatground sharks.
I'm serious, those dudes straight up go for blood, you kook it, you're dead.
After we got our fill of L.A. High, we headed into downtown Los Angeles, specifically Japantown. Jordan wanted to take us to this brick volcano transition thingamajig that's been in a bunch of videos, most recently First and Hope. But on the way down there, Jordan called up the homie Chong and told him to meet us. SUPER stoked to see the Chonger again! He moved away from Hawaii like 5 months ago, and getting the chance to kick it with him during our short stay was pretty fucking rad. The dude is straight up comedy as always and he rips just as hard as ever. He was totally amped and psyched to see us, and he totally made the session so much fun. Fuck yeah, Chong.
Let..me..see..that Chong!
Thaaat Chonnng!
That Chong, Chong, Chong, Chong, Chong!
These dudes were fucking LIFTED, troop!
I was just happy to be the meat in a serious stoner sandwich.
In between dodging Japanese tourists, Chad slid this "backu rip" and came in regular as well as revert. Sugoi, ne?
Jordy pulled this five-o to to rub a dub fakie stylee, bwoooyyyy!
Chong bluntslid, blunted.
Then he did a little dance on this slanted thing...
Rolled in on it...
And then rolled right into crooked grind and came out forward.
The peanut gallery was stoked, and the session was over.
We broke out back to Atiba's for some serious EA Skate sessions on the PS3. Atiba even called one of the game designers on the phone for some secret tips. THEN, the fucking dude even came over to the crib and gave us a full-on demo! The designer of the fucking game killed it, naturally, and it was actually really fun to sit there and watch the guy play. Does that sound dorky enough for you? Then we posse'd up and headed out to dinner at the Universal City walk or whatever the fuck it's called. Some gigantic mall with a bunch of crazy shit.
There was a whole store completely devoted to the Oakland Raiders. Normally, I would have shit myself with glee and went on a serious shopping bender but the silver and black have been so shitty for so long already, it's kind of hard to get psyched about rocking the gear anymore. Still, there was some heavy shit in there.
There was a Hard Rock there with a massive guitar. It wasn't plugged into a huge PS3 and a big ass HDTV, so we didn't really care.
We had to wake up super early the next day to get our flight back home, so we pretty much just ate dinner and broke out. No wild Hollywood Saturday night for us. we were kinda cooked you could say. The whole trip was a mega blast and if you have the means to take a weekend skate adventure away from Hawaii anytime soon, I highly recommend taking one in Los Angeles. Lots of cool shit to skate and fuck what you heard, the people there are super nice too. Thanks to everyone who kicked it with us and extended serious hospitality our way. Come out to Hawaii anytime and you'll get the same from us, and you know this! ALOHA, my friends, aloha.