Jump ramps were a really, really big deal back when I first started skating many, many moons ago.
If you could get busy on a jump ramp, or launch ramp as they were also known, you had mad respect.
Shit, in those days if you could kill launch ramps, wallride, and stand on your hands good, you were pretty much sponsored.
Ill shit.
So back in early October some of us senior citizen dudes all got together at the In4mation office to shoot the shit and craft a little something nostalgic to fuck around on.
Todd set it off.
He called me up early on a Sunday and said he wanted to build a jump ramp.
That's what we did.
Look how serious this dude is.
Keith was all up on that shit too.
Coming together.
Dudes got involved.
Ian manhandled that shit.
Starting to look skatable.
Keith has this camera that makes this disgusting noise every time he takes a picture, when he presses the button to click a photo it goes SQUUIIIIISH.
The In4mants have a nice selection of carpet boards to get busy on.
Nice griptape, cuz!
Finishing touch on that bitch.
Last minute measuring job. You must be this tall to ride the jump ramp.
This is a crude but spot-on rendition of what Ryan Arakaki looked like back in the day, the resemblance is stunning.
Mounted up and ready to roll that shit out.
I rode to the spot with D. Lee, this is some standard shit going on in his car, not disgusting at all.
Made it out to the courts up in Manoa. Not exactly skate friendly people playing tennis on Sundays.
Lined up.
Keith SQUUUIIIISHED some action photos for shits and giggles.
I just laid there and waited.
Ian was walking on air.
Darin was on some wild varial type shit.
Gideon had some flip grabbery going on.
Todd bent some methods.
The man with the plan.
Noodles with the proper frontal grab stee.
Might as well go backside too.
Cookie was the steeziest! This is a frigid, but he had mad other launches in his bag that were also on some Hosoi type shit.
Ian had a Sal flip in him.
Everyone was tuckered out and we ended up getting hassled by the man, and by the man, I mean the pigs.
Split to a new spot. Alf had his parking block/wall ride thing with him.
Moved that thing into place again.
That's what we were working with.
Alf got up.
Chad wall rode to nollie out.
I tried not to touch, shit's hard going frontside with no hands.
It got dark quick and that was it.