It's time for another lesson on how to spend an average Sunday.
Class is now in session.
Somewhere in the mountains.
Hidden in the jungle.
Is this guy doing something fancy on this contraption.
Time to visit The Colonel. Not THAT Colonel. THIS Colonel.
Kenny is pretty close with the Colonel, actually.
As is he.
Some more dudes rolled up.
This guy had a brand new rig. A nice one!
New In4mation boards are scintillating and sensational.
In fact, the real Kool Keith was putting one together himself.
Cookie had the ill new Lakais.
In case you didn't know, D. Lee is back in town and representing Millz town to the fullest. It's dope having someone around that's just as sarcastic and angry as I am.
He sees things a lot like I do, but I have no idea what he's looking at here.
Mililani O.G.'s stand up! By the way, Ian Okui is the only person who is allowed to skate with headphones on. All you other shitbags can stuff earbuds up your unsociable asses.
Post Office chillin'.
Left downtown to get some Sunday schoolwork done.
The ghetto is a must on the session, Reilly always has the sounds on lock.
Sometimes it pays to keep it analog.
On some get out of the rain type shit. Planter/curb/flatground fuck around.
Attack Of the Killer Haoles is still in the works as you can see. It's an interesting conceptual video with a lot of ins, a lot of outs, a lot of what-have-yous. It should be out by the time that new Guns N Roses album is released.
"Bernardo Bernard is the rippingest skater in town!!!" It was his birthday, too. Now able to ruin himself in bars legally.
Darin Lee having road rage flashbacks.
In4mants pondering curb power moves.
I have no idea.
The ill dance moves.
How to mall grab.
Thickly crewed up.
Then to the rasta spot for Bernardo's birthday present, a year's supply of incense. Psyche. We went to get some drinks for the kid's 21st.
Racked a few games of this but the darts were way more heated. No pictures though. Full-on bloodbath type shit.
My man was stoked to see Timmy in the house.
I mean, like, reeeally happy.
Cheers, Bernardo!