Out to P.C. for a new rig-up.
My shit was super haggard.
Ride the best, fuck the rest.
But seriously. The best, Jerry! THE BEST!
Prepare to make the jump to ludicrous speed.
Almost complete with the complete.
There's still a few of these babies left, get that shit already.
Completes at Sports Authority. Complete pieces of shit, that is.
Doo-doo plastic launch ramps and flyboxes? Check.
Over to the park. Sean Patrick Reilly was there with his car.
"Dude, your car is a skateboard." "Yeah, but it's a sweet fuckin' car!"
Jarold scored the same camera as me for Christmas. Shit is tight! Peep out his Myspace for some deja-vu cross-reference, he's gonna turn into a blog monster for sure.
Anton is in town for the holidays, bro-ing down with Reilly and E.K.
Wayne launches a three with the Kobe Bryant ball. I dare say Weezy has a pretty nice J.
Earl, however, is just a straight up beast on the court. Talk about lighting it up, dude can definitely shoot the rock.

In case you didn't know, the Kobe Bryant ball is called the Kobe Bryant ball for a reason. It's not like his pro model or anything. It's the actual ball he's holding in this picture that Atiba Jefferson took here in Hawaii a couple months ago. Chad from APB tagged along with Atiba as his photo assistant for the shoot which was for SLAM Magazine. There's a video of the photo shoot on the SLAM website right now, Atiba is all up in that snapping away, sadly no Chad footage. Look at near the end of the video for clips of Kobe with the ball in his hands. THAT'S the ball!
Anyway, I thought the photo of Kobe with the ball was going to be a cover shot for the new issue, but I was wrong. They used this one instead:

Sick photo, Atiba! Either way, Chad should have gotten the ball autographed, I mean he got a hip-hop hug from Kobe, he could have at least gotten the dude to sign the ball. Oh well, I guess if he did get it signed, we wouldn't have been playing with it or even touching it for that matter, so I digress...
Justin from In4mation has the raddest sticker on his rig. Brah, I like one!
Silent John was filming something. Think you'll ever get to see it? I'm thinking no.